The Band

Scott Bohan - Guitarist

I have been playing in Classic Rock/Blues bands for about thirty years. My blues influences, to name a few, are Howlin Wolf, Albert King, BB King, Mike Bloomfield and Muddy Waters. Some of my rock influences are Eric Clapton, Jimmy Hendrix, Cream, and Johnny Winter. Other bands of interest are the Allman Brothers, Stones, and the Beatles.

I have been a member of the following bands: Sound Advice, Grey Hounds, Blues Power, Scott Ray Band, Jax R Wild, and Point Breeze Bandits. You can view videos and listen to audio recordings of these bands in my private website .

Rock On

Fred Kull - Bass Player

I come from a musical family. My mother sang and played piano and her mother was an opera singer in the early 1900s. I started listening to music at an early age and played around with the piano. Then the Beatles came out and I was hooked on R & R, my ear was drawn to the LOW notes.

Started playing bass guitar at about 13 yrs of age in local basement bands, playing parties, schools functions etc., I have been in local bands thru out my life. Musical interest are Rock, Blues, Jazz, Classical music and my playing interest are Rock & Blues. Music is one of my favorite past times, either listening to it, which I do all the time, and playing it.

Rob Roth

I'm so glad

to have been in a number of bands that covered "the fruits".

I'm glad

to be able to share the lyrical works, stories, and stylings of the great musicians of the past.

I'm glad

to have been introduced to "I'm So Glad, I'm Glad, I'm Glad" which was written by Skip James in 1931. In 1964 Cream covered it. Since then, it has been and is currently covered by my others including Seventh Hour. (Come to one of our gigs and you may get to hear our rendition of it.)

I'm Glad, I'm Glad", I'm Glad

Scott, Fred, and Tom have brought me along on journey to get to the "roots" of my singing.

"The blues are the roots and the other music's are the fruits. It's better keeping the roots alive, because it means better fruits from now on. The blues are the roots of all American music. As long as American music survives, so will the blues."

~ Willie Dixon (1915–1992)

Tom Fraioli - 67 years young

I am very thankful to be able to practice my passion for drums and music, and have been playing in rock cover bands on Long Island for the past 30 years learning new things every day.

I want to thank my 7th Hour bandmates for their hard work and commitment for this project. Below is a video link from Project 13, the last band I was in with Rob Roth on lead vocals.


"Don't die with your music inside you."